
Thursday, April 11, 2013

How My 22nd Birthday was the Best Yet

Hi Everyone! :D

I had an absolutely wonderful day yesterday on my birthday. I was happy all day long, the weather was gorgeous, the flowers were exploding into bloom, and I had wonderful people to share it with... my sweet mom and my funny daddy and cheerful brothers.

Mama and I went shopping (I had a few birthday bucks to blow) :D and we had. a. blast finding all sorts of amazing deals, and I scored some fabulous items for my wardrobe that are completely my style and colors... besides fitting perfectly! I love it when I find something that fits me perfectly!

So. My haul. :D I loved every single thing I found... a buttery-soft handbag with tons of pockets (basically my dream purse) from T.J. Maxx, beads from Hobby Lobby (at 50% off, I might add),  a couple new fragrances and a free item from Bath and Body Works (I was packing a coupon for that free item, and 20% off the rest of my purchase), perfect light neutral plaid long-shorts from Ross, three pairs of shoes from Payless ... "Kate Middleton"-esque beige heels (that I've been dreaming about), jewel-studded champagne-colored flats, and $5 white flip-flops... And from Goodwill, 3 pairs of perfectly-fitting jeans, 1 pair of khaki bermuda shorts, 1 pair of black heels that fit like they were made for me, and 4 adorable tops.

*whew* :D
Daddy took Mama and I out for lunch at Chick-fil-a and I had a Caesar chicken cool wrap, fries, and lemonade. I must say, I think CFA's lemonade is the best lemonade ANYWHERE. I had such a nice time at that lunch!

And I can finally say I've been to Panera Bread! Mama and I popped in there just before driving home to get an afternoon snack - we chose 2 cheese pastries and Mama got some coffee. Those were really great pastries. :D

For my birthday dinner, we had lasagna ready to throw in the oven (the boys actually started it for us while we were on our way home!) and served it with fresh side salads with lettuce from our own garden. Yummmm.
Dessert was, instead of birthday cake, a Fruit Pizza! It was really awesome. The kiwi and strawberry slices, cream cheese,  sweet crust, and strawberry sauce were a delightful combination. Next time I think I won't roll out the crust so thin, but other than that it was perfect.
Thank you to all the dear friends who messaged me on facebook and left comments on my wall, it means a lot... and thank you especially to two very dear, sweet ladies who sent me e-cards!! (You know who you are.) ;) I also got a couple of birthday cards in the mail, which is always fun!

I felt so loved and treasured on my birthday, and it was better than I'd even imagined! God is so good and has blessed me so much. Now it's my turn to be a blessing! :D Let me know via the comments section if there's anything I can be praying about for you. :)


  1. Happy Birthday Julia!!

    What a wonderful day you had! :) Praying you have an amazing and blessed year, growing deeper in faith with our Savior!

    (and your fruit pizza looks a.m.a.z.i.n.g... just saying!)

    Love, in Christ,

  2. Awww what a fun day! I LOVE finding great deals like that :)

    Happy Birthday (a little late lol)


  3. Hi Allison! Thank you so much, it's wonderful having friends like you. The fruit pizza WAS amazing, I'll have to make it next time we get together! :D

    Thank you, Katy! Oh yes, great deals are totally awesome. :D

  4. Sorry I'm a day late, but Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a fantastic birthday! May the Lord bless you! -Abby S.

  5. Thanks Abby S! No matter, I don't mind late happy birthday wishes in the least. :D May the Lord bless you too. <3

  6. So glad you had a wonderful birthday and was able to hit some awesome deals(always a sure way to brighten your day)! The beige heels look very nice and versatile.

    Oh and I might be able to come to the GHEA conference after all! I'll look forward to seeking out your booth and doing some shopping :) could be praying for my family as we go through some changes, including some that will require a move. Exciting, but also scary.

  7. Happy Birthday late, Jewels! so glad it was a beautiful day! and hooray for Panera! by the way, you're gorgeous. ^.^ Just thought I'd say that because it struck me again today. :)

  8. Julia,
    Happy late birthday! I'm glad you had an awesome one! =)

    In Christ alone,

  9. A very happy belated birthday, Miss Julia! I just had to check out your blog after you left the sweet comment on Melinda's facebook...and I'm so glad that I did! I love I was definitely hooked when I saw your jewelry! So adorable! I'm also going to check out your other blog "Resourceful Gals"...what a great idea! It looks like your birthday was wonderful...and that you are blessed with an amazing family to share it with. So glad that I found your blogs...I will be back for another visit!

    Sweet blessings,
    Mrs. Laura

  10. Katelyn, looking forward to seeing you at the GHEA convention! :)

    Rachel - *AWWW*, thank you. It made my day hearing that! :D Thanks for the birthday wishes... it was a beautiful day. :D

    Thanks Elisabeth!

    Mrs. Laura, thanks for coming by! It's always nice to meet new friends in the blog world! :) If you love crafting, then my other blog - Resourceful Gals - is the place for you!! :D



Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~