
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Life is Just Grand, and Busy Too!

WOW! Yeah. Mama and I have been really busy writing (and photographing and designing) for the Resourceful Gals blog... hop over there to check out all the amazing recipes, tips, and DIY how-to's! (

If it wasn't for my camera, I don't know how I'd remember all the great stuff happening around here. I'm too busy most days to scribble an entry in my journal, so the pictures help refresh my memory. Spring, with its delicately scented blossoms and cool, dewy mornings, is just gorgeous... though I have a feeling it's almost over. Summer is peeking around the corner, promising heat and sunshine and ripe blackberries. :D

We have babies! Little chicks hatched by our own hens. We also have a new flock of chickens -to-be in the form of 21 baby chicks we ordered in the mail. One of the eggs we got the other day was so huge it filled my whole hand! (and I gave myself a manicure with a glitter-dipped effect. Really cute) - I've been keeping the windowsills stocked with fresh flowers. Top right- Mark and I in the car on the way home from church.
 I've been attempting to get some jewelry work done every day, in preparation for the GHEA convention in Atlanta that's happening in a few short weeks. I'm nearly there to reach my goal of how many items I'm taking, but I want to have as many pretty pieces on hand as possible. :)

Lovely vintage-style cameo necklaces, Me in my beading-glasses, bracelets all strung and ready for finishing, beads that are now made into many pairs of earrings... 
So, life is grand and busy and hectic and fun. :D How about you? :)


  1. I've been so enjoying all the lovely things on your Resourceful Gals blog - positively wonderful! Thank you for sharing!

    Aww, you are so darling in your beading glasses!!! :D I've never seen you in them! SO CUTE! And so proud of you for all your hard work this month on your DIY blog and your jewelry making - The Amazing Julia!! ;D {Hugs}

    Love ya!

  2. Can't wait to see you at the GHEA conference!

  3. Will you be at NCHE in Winston-Salem NC again this year?

  4. Hi Rachel! So glad you've been enjoying Resourceful Gals... I've loved getting your comments. :) LOL- Thanks! Every time the boys see me wearing them they do a double-take and say "You look so... different!" ;)

    Katelyn, it will be really fun to see you again at GHEA - make sure you let me know who you are, I might not recognize you as I meet so many people during the convention. :P

    Hannah, no, sadly, I will not. I wasn't going to do ANY conventions this year or I definitely would have gone back to NCHE... I only decided kind of last-minute to do GHEA because they kept calling and begging for vendors. :D Seems they were short on them this year!



Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~