
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fall Fashion? I think YES.

No doubt about it. Autumn's nearly here. While we may not have actually crossed the calendar date that says "first day of Fall" ... everybody knows it. Pinterest is exploding with pumpkins, apples, cinnamon, wreaths, boots, and halloween everything. I didn't realize how many halloween boards I was unintentionally following! (Yeah. I've been clicking "unfollow" on all of those. Sorry, ya'll, but ghosts, spiders, and witches are not what I delight in... why would we try to make something 'cute' out of such horrid things? But that's a rant for another day...)

One thing I love about living in the south is that while most of the year is warm, we do get a nice cool, crisp fall season if we're lucky blessed. :D This means we get to dig out the sweaters, scarves, gloves, hats and boots that have been waiting all year. AND we get to update our look a little bit with some layers and warmer wear...

How about this fab new fall line from

Oooh, some of that stuff is CUTE. Almost makes me wish I had darker coloring so I could pull more of those pieces off. ;) I'm definitely in the "Spring" category when it comes to complexion. Light and warm. :)

If only I had more time to gab about how much fun our Fall Cleaning project is becoming... Today we dusted down the log ceiling and walls of the Master Bathroom with brooms, and I completely cleaned and reorganized the under-the-sink cabinet, drawers, and linen armoire. It feels so good to get the house really clean! :)

Hope your days are sunny and bright as we head for chillier weather!


  1. We think alike! I can't wait for fall either, and to be able to use the other half of my wardrobe! And by the way, you are so amazing to be able to say that you think cleaning is fun! I wish I could say that! Good for you! (But I do feel the same as you do about halloween. Yuck!)
    Hope your cleaning project is still going well! Happy fall!

    Julia Lauren H.

  2. Hi Julia!

    You obviously don't know me, and I don't know you, but I love reading your posts and using your homemade templates for my blogs!

    I'm so glad you don't appreciate Halloween...I know a few Believers who are so into all the costumes and make-up and decorations that come with it. They think it's all so harmless, but it's not! That just the evil one trying to trick them.

    Anyway, I love your blog! You are very inspiring to me. And your last post, 'Overcoming', was very encouraging. God truly does put people and situations into our lives in order to teach us, grow us, and show us that we need to depend on and trust Him wholly.

    Hope you're have a wonderful weekend! =D

    ~Olivia Lisa

  3. Fall cleaning!! I myself love to deep clean, but don't get a chance to do it that often.... *sad face

    But, yes I cannot wait for the cooler weather and pretty colors of the changing leaves. And pulling out my warmer clothes and shopping for new ones is fun too!

  4. Hey Julia! I awarded you on my blog! :)

  5. Hi Julia! I nominated you for the sunshine blogger award on my blog! Have a lovely evening!


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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~