
Friday, October 25, 2013

Life as a Ranch Hand

Howdy Ya'll!

I'm so sorry I've been so scarce with posts as of late. If you could walk a mile or two in my shoes, you'd understand why I haven't been blogging... when you have two big projects going at once plus a new job, finding time to blog is a little difficult! :D

At the beginning of this month, I was hired on as a ranch hand at the beautiful Rock Ranch in The Rock, GA. Owned by Truett Cathy (founder of Chick-fil-A) the ranch is a popular tourist destination and has tons of family-friendly activities. It's definitely a fun place to work!

Check out this video to see what I mean: (I'm in it! See if you can spot me... oh, ok, I come in at 1:51) ;)

 That was actually my first day of work, running the bounce-house and the extremely popular "corn box"... who knew wallowing 2 feet deep in corn was so much fun? (I'll take the kids' word for it, thanks...) the next week I assisted in the kitchen all morning, making coleslaw, wrapping burgers, and filling drinks for a company picnic that was being hosted in Truett's Barn... then the last half of the day I helped out with the pony rides!

I took these photos while the horses were on their break for 45 minutes... the rest of the day they were walking in circles, attached to a carousel underneath an open barn structure. The kids absolutely loved them and it was so much fun seeing their little faces light up as some of them rode a pony for the first time in their lives.

The pretty mare there is Cherry. I think she may have been my favorite. :D

The only downsides to this otherwise delightful job are that your arms and legs quickly tire from hefting the kids onto the ponies and walking in endless circles, and that every so often you have to stop and shovel muck when the horses need to 'take a dump'. :P

I'll be working the pony rides all day tomorrow for the not-so-spooky halloween festival, which I'm looking forward to! Sadly, I can't think of a cute DIY costume I could wear that would be pony-rides proof. If you have any quick suggestions, leave them in the comments section... there is a $50 prize for the best employee costume, after all! :D

(and I promise it won't be so long before I post next. I have some awesome redecorating to tell you about!)


  1. That looks so awesome! I'd love to visit there one day. Looks like a great place to work. :)

    1. It sure is a great place to work, I absolutely love it!

  2. Oh, Julia I am soooo jealous! :) I would LOVE to work on a ranch. Hmm, sorry I don't have much experience in planning costumes. Like you, we don't celebrate halloween.

    Love to all,

    1. Haha! Well, it is definitely a lot of fun but it's quite a challenging job too, I usually get home totally exhausted. ;) I ended up going as a princess, I got put at the corn box instead of the pony rides!

  3. Hi Julia!

    That sounds like a great place to work!

    How is the afghan for your mom coming? You are so good with colors in your afghans.

    Bethany suggested a scarecrow for a DIY costume.

    Have fun tomorrow!


    1. Hi Katherine!
      Thanks so much for commenting, I always love hearing from the Coles!! :D The afghan is at a standstill at the moment, redecorating and ranch-handing sort of took over, but it was nearly 1/3 done. I will take it back up shortly as the job at the Rock Ranch is seasonal and will be done in a little while.

      I ended up wearing a pink dress and a princess hat, since I worked at the corn box instead, at the last minute! :) I will share pictures soon! :)

  4. Super neat! Looks fun. By the way, when is the wedding planned for? ;)

    1. It is fun. :) No wedding... see this post:

  5. Hi Julia,

    I just wanted to say that I enjoy your blog (found it while surfing .. I hope its not weird that I´m commenting :) ). That looks like a fun place to work. Do you still work there? I was just wondering how you are doing since you haven´t posted in a long time and you´re posts are always so much fun ( i hope my English is okay... its not my first language :) ).

    Greetings from Germany, Clara :)

  6. Well HI Clara! Thank you so much for leaving me a comment! :)
    I do still work for the Rock Ranch, but as it is seasonal there are no shifts assigned right now... there will be more events to work in the Spring and Summer, and then come Autumn their biggest events come up again. :)

    And your English is awesome! You go girl! :)

    I am doing well! I had a busy winter and am now getting a jumpstart on my goals for this New Year! :) Thanks for asking and I loved hearing that you enjoy my posts. :)


  7. Hey Julia!
    I just wanted to say, I really enjoy reading your posts, like Clara (I especially loved reading your book reviews so much)!
    Its so hard to actually find girls who are serious about their relationship with Christ, so I found it delightful when I stumbled across this blog! I hope you contunie to some time in the future to write in here again! =)

    In Christ,

  8. Hi Julia! It has been along time since you last posted--- 6 months! Miss hearing about how life is!!!


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~