
Friday, April 4, 2014

Sunshine Sprinkles

Hey guys!

Whew, what a week!! So much sunshine, fresh air, getting out and working that my body is still trying to catch up with the pace. My brain is top-notch, I LOVE going places and talking to people and smiling at little kids and just doing things. But when you do them non-stop every day, it takes it outta ya. :D The spirit is willing, but the flesh isn't as buff as it thought! LOL. :P

Seriously though. The Rock Ranch? A ton of fun, people.

The Pony Rides are probably the most physically demanding job I've done at the ranch. The endless walking in circles isn't bad, but the lifting of kids onto horses' backs is tough because I'm not used to it. I'm built very strong (A good Dutch girl, Jah!) but those particular muscles don't get used that much. Today I encouraged most of the riders to use the stirrups and give me "a good jump" to help hoist themselves up, which seemed to be a much better way of going about things! :)

The horses have been a bit grumpy as they're getting back into the swing of things - I would be too if I'd come off a nice winter of doing nothing at all and then I had to start a routine of carrying squirmy, noisy kids around for 4 hours. But we're getting the kinks worked out pretty well! :) 

Yesterday I got to work with my brother, which was nice. We're usually working in separate places on the ranch, as he usually works food and I work events. And it's awesome having someone close at hand that you know you can totally rely on. :) Today I worked with a new friend and she and I just chilled and chatted when there weren't any kids wanting rides. All the people who work at the Rock Ranch are really nice, it's amazing. They always get tons of feedback about their "WONDERFUL" staff. :)  

I got VERY sunburned this week when I was watching the giant jumping pillow, so the next day I got some heavy-duty sunscreen (and used it!!) and wore my enormous rice-paddy-worker hat. It did the trick, I didn't re-burn! I was able to stay in the shade for the most part too, which helped immensely. 

The shade I stayed in happened to be the steps of "Miss Nancy's Boarding House" - one of the fine establishments of Tiny Town. It's an actual little village, constructed in miniature, just the perfect size for your average 6-year-old, and full of tiny furniture and props. The fire engine has tiny firemen's uniforms, the church has tiny pews and a tiny Bible on the pulpit, the dress shop has tiny accessories and gowns, the diner has tiny play food and dishes, and the theater has a tiny stage. And the tiny jail seemed quite popular, as the place was apparently rampant with tiny thieves that needed "locking up" by their gleeful friends. 
SO. much. fun. 

Yes. I did explore each and every single building while I was turning on the tiny air conditioning units in each one that morning. Can you blame me?? I just wished I was still that small so I could enter each tiny place without ducking down under the 4-foot door-frames. :D 

Tomorrow I've got more work to do and then Sunday (after I play bass, that is) I get to crash and rest. Hopefully I'll pop outdoors for a few moments to capture some photos of the SPRING that is happening at my house while I'm away... delicate pink dogwood blossoms, cheerful violets, baby mint-green leaves everywhere, and even the very first Azaleas... which, like clockwork, always arrive in time for my birthday.

'Til then, TTFN, ta-ta-for-now!


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun (except for the sore muscles)!

  2. :) I would love to work on a ranch! It looks like such fun even if it is hard work.

    By the way, I'm having a small giveaway over on my blog for my blog 1st anniversary. :)


    1. Working on a ranch is a wonderful opportunity, to be sure!

      Ooh! I shall check it out when I have a skinny minute. :D

  3. I REALLY want to hear how you came about playing bass!

    1. Haha! You do, do you? I shall have to blog about it then. Soon! :)

  4. Hi Julia,
    That makes two of us in the busy camp! Seriously, once life slows down for both of us, we need to to something. And you're right.... the azaleas and dogwoods are gorgeous. Can't wait to see your pictures!

    1. Welcome to the camp, Vickie-girl! :D You are SO right! We should schedule something WAY in advance so it can actually happen. :D Pictures coming!! :) Thanks for commenting, luv ya! <3


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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~