
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Heart Songs

Hello Darlings!

This week looks exceedingly packed. I am working almost every day, and tomorrow (Sunday) we have an Ultimate Frisbee game and I'll be playing bass guitar for the morning worship service - did I ever tell you the story of how I became a bass player? I'll have to write that sometime. It was hilarious. :D

Anyways. I love it when life revs up like this and the days are jam-packed, a whirl of crazy color and music and laughter. It makes my heart dance.

The only problem with running here and there, to and fro, up hill and down dale, attending this gala and that garden party, is that in all the happy cacophony of noise, sometimes that still, small voice gets drowned out. :(
(ugh. The writer in me cringes at the amount of commas in that last sentence!) ;) Back to my point!

God wants you. Relationship, not reluctance. Communion, not carelessness. Prayer and praise, not procrastination. If you spend a little time each day with Him, life suddenly gets a whole lot sparklier. It's like tuning up your instrument... the song rises and swells until beauty bursts into every corner and cranny and the stress and worries all get squeezed out.

(Random photo of the Hillsong United concert we went to a few months ago, because it was overwhelmingly amazing)

My resolution for this next craaaaazy week is to do *something* every day that brings God and me closer together. Quality time with my father, savior, first love, and best friend.
Hopefully that means taking a few minutes to open the Bible app on my iPhone right after I wake up to sunshine pouring in my windows...
Having a few ongoing conversations with Jesus while I'm standing out in the middle of a field at the Rock Ranch watching exuberant kids on the giant jumping pillow...
raising my hand to lift His name high when I have a second in-between strumming a guitar string, or singing at the top of my lungs while I vacuum the living room carpet. :D

Being a believer doesn't have to be complicated, you know. Sometimes the best relationships in life happen when it's natural and unforced. There's still a choice involved, and it takes an effort on your part... but it's a two-way street. God meets you in the moments you turn to Him. :)

So be encouraged! Take some time to "be" with God this week, whatever that looks like! :)



  1. Good post Julia! Very inspiring.


  2. You've been nominated for the Sunshine Award over at my blog! Come and visit my blog to get the questions. :)



Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

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Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~