
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How Sweet It Is: {Blooming}

*waves* Hey there!

Hi Everyone!

I know, right? It's been FOREVER! I haven't blogged in way too long. Mostly because I just kept putting it off, but for a few other personal reasons too. (Since that sounded more mysterious than I planned on - I was thinking that my one previous boyfriend might still be reading this blog, but I've decided I don't care. It's my blog and I'm going to blog on it.) ;)

I've been doing so. much. lately. I don't even know where to start, trying to get caught up on posting about things. Oh well! I'll just keep typing and see how it goes. :) The biggest and most wonderful thing? I'm blooming. Where I'm planted. As in... I'm actually REALLY happy about everything in my life right now. I've been having fun and enjoying my family and friends and reading good books and crocheting soft, gorgeous things and cooking great food and dancing and singing and laughing.

**insert big, huge smile**

AND LOOK AT THIS......!!!!

I had the incredible blessing of walking into a thrift store and finding this gem. Namely: a dress, that will be THE MOST PERFECT THING EVER to wear to the English Country Dance Ball I'm attending the weekend of my birthday. Which is next month. :) 
And it came with a wrap of the same pink satin that my genius mother can whip up some lovely wide straps with (which will be just the thing for my modest tastes).
And it was only $20. 

It looks much better ON, btw. Right now it rather resembles a flattened flounder at the top, but I assure you that when I'm wearing it it flatters my figure instead. Lol! 

Le Lace Closeup:

I have actually been really blessed in the area of finding modest, pretty clothes lately. ROSS actually had some gorgeous and modest and inexpensive dresses the last time I looked, and I ended up falling in love with (and buying) three! I think some fashion posts might be in order. ;)

A couple months ago, my family and I discovered IKEA.

*cue screeching tires sound effect*

HOLY MACKEREL. If you have never been inside an IKEA, get thee hither forthwith. Seriously. It is a wondrous land that is full of beautiful and contemporary and imaginative and fairly priced home decor, laced with the delicate scent of Swedish meatballs, cream sauce, and lingonberries.

'Tis where I found my new bookcases. :) (at last, my books breathe a sigh of relief as they no longer have to jostle with each other for elbow room, and get crammed in sideways on each other's ends!)
Yum and yay. I love them. 
I've been trying to earn a little extra money (even as I scatter it hither and yon like some spendthrift, on bookcases and dresses) - so I've been doing some special things like the Sweetheart Sale I did for Valentines' day on my jewelry stand:

Just today, actually, I went and babysat for a precious young couple from our church who have the cutest little one-year-old!! He's got blond hair and blue eyes and the most winning smile I've ever seen on a toddler. Also, their house is just too cute for words. I'll take a house and baby like that anytime you want to bring them along, Lord! ;)

And THIS precious one is Owen James. I had the opportunity to do his newborn photoshoot the week before last and his mommy said I could post photos on my blog. :) (But I didn't have time to watermark it so dude, if you steal it, may God have mercy on your soul.) :P
 And last but possibly most exciting, we started a connect group for the young people in our church called "Faith and Frisbee"! Daddy does a fifteen-minute devotional and then we have a game of Ultimate. It has been a blast, and I'm loving it!! (now to uh, actually get in shape so I can show these whippersnappers a thing or two.)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed that little glimpse!! Let's see... before I go (and I hope to be back posting soon, but I'm not promising anything) I'm also going to be a bridesmaid in September for the first time ever, for my incredibly sweet and godly and amazing friend McKenzie, and this spring I'll be working the pony rides at the Rock Ranch pretty regularly. And I'm planning to be at the GHEA convention in June, so if you're there, look me up! :D

Oh yeah! Yesterday my brothers, mom and I went to see the movie "God's Not Dead." WOOHOO!! It was totally awesome. God is NOT dead, he's surely alive, and he's the lover of my soul, my closest friend, and the creator of the universe who is completely in control of my destiny and future. Heady stuff. :)

Love & hugs, friends! If you've missed me, drop me a comment and I'll reply! ;)


  1. Welcome black to the blogosphere Julia! Have missed you :) Glad to hear you're doing well

    1. Hello Bethany! Aw, it's nice to be missed! Thanks for commenting! :)

  2. Oh yay Julia! I have missed you and was wondering when you were going to pop back up on the blogger radar. :) I am so glad you are having fun and that you are happy (after all, its the best way to be.) LOVE the dress it is absolutely GORGEOUS! I am totally jealous that you are going to a ball without me. :(

    So glad to see a post from you. :)


    1. Absolutely, Princess, happy is the only way to be. :D I am still giddy over finding that dress!! EEEK! Can't wait to wear it to the ball. <3 I will be posting pictures of THAT for sure. :) Thanks for taking the time to comment! I was wondering if anybody still even read this blog! ;)

  3. I nearly squealed to see a post from you again! You have been sorely missed, Julia. So great to hear about what's going on in your life, and I love that beautiful dress! It looks like it looks amazing on you. :) Would love to see the other three dresses you got, and how you plan to style them. Have a great day! :)

    1. Kristen! Hey girl! So nice to hear from you! Yes, I think I'll be blogging some more. I love Julia's Journal too much to let it fade out. :) Well then. I'll have to get some pictures taken of the dresses! :)

  4. HELLO Julia! I'm SO glad you're back. I really missed you!!! And by the way, that dress is magnificent. Love it!...Now I'm wanting one. ;) And the newborn is so precious...great job on the photos! I'm glad you're doing well, and I can't wait to see you post again! Missed you lots!

    The Other Julia Lauren ;)

    1. Well hello, other Julia Lauren! So nice to hear from you! I wear your hairflower all the time and think of you when I do. I love it!! :) Thanks for stopping by to comment! :D

  5. Yay! So happy to see you're back to writing your blog! Your posts are always such an enjoying and delightful read! Love the lace on your new dress! It's gorgeous!
    Beka (fellow bridesmaid in M's wedding :)

    1. Beka! Yay! Thanks for commenting!! :D It was such fun meeting you in person last month and I'm delighted that you're still reading my blog! :) Can't wait to be bridesmaids together, it's going to be awesome! :)

  6. YEAH!!! So glad you're back :D
    To steal another friend's favorite expression: "Gah!!" That dress is beautiful; I especially love the lace. And those bookcases - I've never been to IKEA, but now have a reason to venture forth and correct this vast error.
    I went to go see "God's Not Dead" last week with some of my family and really enjoyed it (Mom has sen it 3 times now!). Definitely one to add to the movie library when it comes out on DVD.

    1. Katelyn, m'dear! So good to hear from you!
      Um yes. Dat lace. Mmm!
      Never been to IKEA? O_o...... GO!! :D That's all I'm sayin'. :D
      God's Not Dead would be great to have on DVD - the soundtrack is out now and has a song by the actor who plays Josh Wheaton, which I thought was pretty cool!


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~