Yes, you wanted to see pictures of the homeschool convention. No, they will not be appearing in this post. I'm sorry. I did not download them yet - they're on my mom's camera and I am unfamiliar with the shiny silver little device. I will share them with you when they are downloaded. But I do have the news! I sold half my jewelry inventory at the booth, and my brothers sold all but 4 spears and 2 throwing axes. It was wonderful and we are definitely going back next year! :D
Oh, and ehrm... the hotel pool was about 2 feet wide and 6 feet long. I kid you not. Very unimpressive.
The rest of the hotel was really cool! ...But they should have skipped the pool.
And now, we interrupt our regularly scheduled blogposting to bring you... The Beautiful Blogger Award!
Thank you Joanna!! I'm touched. What a sweet thing for you to do! :D
- Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
- Copy the award and paste it to your blog.
- Tell us seven interesting facts about yourself.
- Pass this award on to 15 fantastic bloggers you have discovered.
- Contact your nominations and let them know they’ve won.
1. Today, I started crocheting a RUG! Oh so cute. I must post pictures soon.
2. Tomorrow, we are going strawberry picking - oh joy! I love strawberries, especially freshly-picked!
3. Next week, we are having a Yard Sale at our house and wow did we ever have too much stuff squirreled away that we are (hopefully) getting rid of.
4. Yesterday I had a battle royale with the vacuum cleaner and whipped it into submission, emerging victorious with a spotlessly clean bedroom carpet. This really deserves its own blog post, but I'm squeezing it in here... You see, the vacuum broke a while ago, and so I had to use the 'pet brush' tool on the hose to clean my whole floor. This means I was down on my hands and knees, pushing this ridiculously small tube (attached to the machine with a stretchy hose) across the floor. I was an easy mark for the base, which kept getting tugged when I extended the stretchy hose, and falling over on top of me! Ouch! *grrr.*
5.Remember my "Incredible shrinking Julia" post? Well... I sort of 'un-shrunk', so now I'm re-shrinking! Yay! Already lost 3 pounds. :D
6. Mama made chocolate chip cookies yesterday, and we bought waffle cones to make ice cream cones at the store today, so 'shrinking' has been very difficult for me lately! (Tell me I don't need to be eating ice cream.)
7. The other day, I actually got a blister from playing a toy accordion. (See? I told you this blog post was going to be weird!) Apparently I was concentrating so hard on trying to pick out the melody of 'Amazing Grace' that I didn't realize I was getting a blister from the strap, which was too small. *facepalm*
And now, to award somone else.
Rachel. My sweet blogging friend! Rachel's latest post on our devotional blog, Meditations of His love, was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment, and I was in awe of the way God used her to speak to me. My dear, I am awarding you with this award for being the beautifully clear example of God's love that has so inspired me. God bless you!
I hope the rest of you will not mind that I didn't do the required 15 awardees. I wanted to do something special for Rachel. :)
Time for me to be signing off. Have a lovely weekend, ya'll!
Love & Hugs,

This is going to be a long comment, as I MUST comment about everything. ;) Lol!
ReplyDeleteFirst, I LOVE the Julia at 10:00 still on a sugar high! :D Lol! Sounds like me. ;) HeHe!
yeah, I have a hard time with camera's take your time. :) But I can't wait to see the pics. (did you happen to take a pic. of the tiny pool?) ;) Lol! Wow...that is a sad excuse for a pool I think. :) Lol!
I'm so glad you all did so well selling your products! :D I was keeping you all in it must have worked. ;) That's great that your brother's did so well too! :D Awesome! :D
Ooooh, you're crocheting a rug huh? :D How fun! :D Yes, please do take pictures so we can see. ;) Oh, and the pattern too if you got it online. :)
I'll be praying a bunch of your stuff gets sold at the yard sale! :D Getting rid of things is so refreshing isn't it? :)
LOLROF!!!!! Ah, I wish I could have seen you battling with that vacuum. ;) HeHe! But I can relate...been there, done that. :P HaHa! ;) Not too fun if you are experiencing it yourself. :( You have my sympathy. :)
Oh, I am so happy you posted about your dieting struggles! :) I too have been having the same problem. Would those parents PLEASE stop buying those yummy treats...we can't resist!!! ;) Lol! I too have gained some. :( *sigh* But next week I'm getting back to it again and back on track. Oh, and you said to so..."You don't need to be eating ice cream." ;) HaHa! And neither do I... :)
Lol! :) Oh, I have done things like that too (with the accordion, but on other toys). :) That's what we call a "duh" moment. ;) HeHe!
Aww, thank you my dear for the award. It IS VERY special. :) How thoughtful and sweet of you to award just little old me. :) I am so happy you found some encouragement in the post. :D That means a great deal that I can be of some comfort to my friends, even though I live far away. :) Love and Hugs!!!
I hope your day is blessed my dear! :)
I am so glad your family did well at the conference! My sister and both bought earrings and we love them!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE fresh strawberries :)
Hi Julia~
ReplyDeleteGreat post~ haha, vacuum fighting, sounds like you had loads of fun!! {just kidding ☺} I can't imagine vacuuming a whole room, with the 'pet brush', you must have lots of patience!! ☺ Good luck on the rug, I am sure it will look great!
Have a great day!
I am so glad your time at the conference was profitable! Sounds like you guys did great.
ReplyDeleteHope you are having a blessed day!
P.S. I am glad to find someone else who loves ice cream!=)