Love and Hugs,
So enough about that.
Now, second thing I have to share... I found a NEAT WEBSITE where you can read many different books online for free. You can download them to your computer. And you can print them, if you want the cost of all that paper and ink. Check it out!
Okay, so now we get to ... The Part You've All Been Waiting For! :)
Instructions for making a blog button
and put it in a "Rich Text" gadget in your sidebar. I put mine just underneath the button. Erase the 'your text here' and copy and paste the code from your button into that exact spot where the 'yourtexthere' was. And you have a button! Hope this helps you out. I am SO BUSY that I don't even have time to post a jane austen picture!!
He was so excited about the sparkler! It was quite funny. :) I love his enthusiasm.