I can hardly believe that tomorrow is December first. This year has literally flown past... It seems like just a little while ago that my cousin Kristen got married on January 1st... and now it's almost been a whole year. Whew!
Yesterday I missed posting. :( But I was thankful for something... warmth. It was a cold day and we started a fire in the wood stove in our fireplace. It was a wonderful feeling, the delicious warmth pouring out of that little iron box filled with glowing coals. I love warmth! I love warm hugs, warm cookies, warm smiles, warm sunshine, warm feelings of joy, and warm laughter at shared delights.
Today, I am thankful for ... fresh mornings, new days, and second chances. We serve a God whose mercies are new every morning. "Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it." - L. M. Montgomery.
Every time I wake up and behold another sunrise... the sun's golden rays breaking through the darkness and lighting up the world afresh... I know I have a new day before me. With new mercies in it. :)
Soon we'll be entering a whole new year... 2012. I wonder what it holds for me? One thing I do know is that whatever I go through, I'll have a friend who sticks closer than a brother... my Lord and Savior. He'll be walking beside me every step of the way. :)
And that's what I'm thankful for most of all.

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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~